Terrapin Hollow Educational Foundation
A Non-profit Multimedia Organization

The Forest Newby Memorial Space Camp Scholarship is now open for enrollment. This annual contest will send one child from Searcy County School District or the St. Joe School (home school or public), grades 7th through 11th, to NASA Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama during the summer of 2022. This prize package, valued at $2,000, includes a week-long stay at Space Camp, a $750 travel stipend, and more! Applying is free and easier than ever before.
This is an amazing opportunity for one lucky boy or girl from Searcy County, Arkansas--one that the Newby family is excited and honored to offer.
All applications must be received by February 1st, 2023. The winner will be announced by March 1st, 2023.

The 2022 Forest Newby Memorial Space Camp Scholarship is now Open for Applicants.
We are excited to announce that the Forest Newby Memorial Space Camp Scholarship is now open to applications, until February 1st,
2022. This scholarship is open to all 7th through 11th grade students registered in the Searcy County or St. Joe School (as public- or home-school students). The prize package, totaling $1,750, includes:
* Admission to Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. This week-long adventure camp will teach your child what it is like to be an astronaut
* $500 travel stipend to get you and your child there and back
* A digital photo album showcasing the adventures and friends from all over the world that your child is about to meet
* A flight suit
* Lunch with a real astronaut!
To help your child apply, you must submit a short video interview of your child with these questions:
* What is your name, age, grade and which school do you go to?
* What are your hobbies? How do you spend your free time?
* How did you hear about the scholarship?
* Why would you like to go to NASA Space Camp?
* What is something about you that you are proud of? Can you show us in the interview? Show off your poetry, your singing, your prize winning goat, your sports trophy, your Lego Death Star... Let the judges see/hear your passion for what you do.
You will also need to fill out the Parental Agreement Form, available Here. Both the video and the Agreement Form will need to be emailed to TerrapinHollowEducational@gmail.com by the February 1st deadline, in order to be considered.
I'm a paragraph. Click once to begin entering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, color and more by highlighting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.
I'm a paragraph. Click once to begin entering your own content. You can change my font, size, line height, color and more by highlighting part of me and selecting the options from the toolbar.

Our 2020 Forest Newby Memorial Space Camp Scholarship has a winner.
Camden Lindsey is the winner of our 3rd annual Space Camp Scholarship. His prize will include the week-long stay at Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama, a personalized flight suit, a digital photo album and a $500 travel stipend. The Newby Family hopes Camden has an exciting time this summer. They also want to thank all the kids who applied, and to encourage them to apply again next year.

Our Space Camp Scholarship is Open for Enrollment!
The Forest Newby Memorial Space Camp Scholarship is accepting applications from now until February 1st, 2020. This is an exciting opportunity for 7th through 10th grade public- or home-schooled children to attend a week of Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. The prize includes admittance to Space Camp during the Summer of 2020, a personalized flight suit, lunch with a real astronaut, and a digital photo album.
We are excited to announce that this year, we have implemented a few changes. In addition to upping the travel stipend to $500, we have simplified the application process. Along with the signed parent/guardian permission slip, applicants need only to provide a brief interview that they can record on a cellphone. For complete application details, and a permission slip, click here.
Best of luck!

Emily Graduates Space Academy!
Emily Wesley graduated NASA Space Academy on June 7th, where she was "given her wings" by Dr. Don Thomas, an astronaut who has logged over 1,000 hours in space!
Emily is the second winner of the annual Forest Newby Space Camp Scholarship. Congratulations Emily, your future will be out of this world!
To learn more about Space Camp and Space Academy, click here.
Enrollment for the 2020 Summer Space Camp enrollment is expected to open January 1st, 2020. Check back for details.
2019 We Have a Winner!
Congratulations to Marshall High School 8th grader Emily Wesley. She is the second winner of the annual Forest Newby Space Camp Scholarship, and will be going to Space Camp this summer. Keep checking in for updates on her adventure.

The Forest Newby Space Camp Scholarship is Now Open for Enrollment!
The prize pays for the tuition for a week-long Space Camp program in Huntsville, Alabama, a $300 travel stipend, a flight suit, a digital photo album and lunch with an astronaut. The prize total is valued at $1,500.
Applicants need to be a 7th through 10th grade student enrolled in the St. Joe school, or in the Searcy County School District. Follow the directions below to apply. Applications must be received by March 1st, 2019, and the winner must attend Space Camp in the summer of 2019.
In order to apply, complete the three steps listed below:
1. Download this parental consent form, fill it out and email a photo of it back to us at the email address provided below.
2. Provide a three to five paragraph essay explaining why you think you should be chosen for this exciting adventure. Include it in the email.
3. Provide a Something Else. This can be a painting, a photo of a sculpture, a video
performance of you dancing or playing a musical instrument--anything that shows us
(and our judges) a little about your personality. For photos, include an image file in the
email. For video clips, include the Google Drive link in your email, and make sure
you've set permissions to share.
4. Email all content to TerrapinHollowEducational@gmail.com no later than February 1st,
2019. Judge's decisions on this are final. Winner will be announced by April 1st, 2019
A print copy of these instructions can be downloaded here.

The Forest Newby Space Camp Scholarship has a Winner!
We'd like to congratulate Silas Chamberlain as the first winner of the Forest Newby Space Camp Scholarship. He has one a week-long stay at Space Camp, in Huntington, Alabama, plus a custom-fit flight suit, a digital photo album, lunch with an astronaut and $300 toward travel expenses. More than that, Silas has won an adventure that he won't soon forget.
When our son went to Space Camp last year, he marveled at how many far-off places the kids came from. He worked on space-simulation challenges with kids from China, Canada, India and all parts of the US. We wish Silas a happy, memorable journey.
The photo above is a reprint from the Marshall Mountain Wave, and the text reads:
"On February 23, Terrapin Hollow Educational Foundation announced Silas Chamberlain as this year's winner of the Forest Newby Space Camp Scholarship. Since the death of Forest Newby, the community donated approximately $9,000 to this scholarship fund. The plan is to send a child every year until the funds are exhausted. Silas' mother said, "So many people will be touched by this. This will change Silas forever. This will broaden his view of the world just by the experience. He will carry this with him for the rest of his life." The scholarship is valued at approximately $1,500 and pays for the tuition, a personal flight suit, lunch with an astronaut and a flash drive with an album of all the pictures. The family will also receive a $300 travel expense voucher. Pictured above (right to left) are Silas Chamberlain and Director of Terrapin Hollow Educational Foundation Steven Newby."

The Forest Newby Space Camp Scholarship is Now Open for Enrollment.
One of Forest's last great adventures was attending Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. In his memory, we have set up a scholarship fund to send local children to Space Camp. At the present time, we've received donations enough to send five kids, one each year. If you would like to be a part of this exciting opportunity, please follow the directions below.
The application includes three pieces. Once you and your parents have completed all three pieces, please email them to terrapinholloweducational@gmail.com. If you need assistance with scanning our uploading documents to attach them to email, the nice staff at the Searcy County Public Library in Marshall have agreed to help out.
1. Please write a brief essay in 200 - 400 words to share with the judges why you want to go to NASA Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. Put your best effort into writing. It is appropriate to ask someone to check your spelling and grammar, as long as they do not suggest changes to your content.
2. Please demonstrate both your creativity and passion by creating "something else." This "something else" has to be transmitted to the judges electronically. Ideas include a brief video of you singing, dancing, or speaking. A photograph of your original drawing or painting. The purpose of this "something else" is for the judges to learn more about your personality and to see your passion and commitment to hard work. If you were to submit a painting, for example, they are not grading your skills at painting. Rather they want to see that you invested time and took care to express yourself in ways that weren't captured in the written essay.
3. The third piece is the Parental Agreement Form. This page needs to be printed, signed in blue or black ink, scanned, and emailed along with the essay and the digital file of the "something else." Applications without signatures will not be considered.
This wonderful opportunity is available only to students in Searcy County, Arkansas, who are in 7th or 8th grade during the 2017-2018 school year.
A printable copy of these instructions can be found here.
Terrapin Hollow Press is now Terrapin Hollow Educational Foundation. We're registered as a non-profit corporation in the state of Arkansas, and are currently processing the monstrously large volume of paperwork necessary to become an official 501(3)c.
Also, we should note, we are no longer an LLC.